How to build discipline in life? Life Experience Cum Interview.

How to build discipline in life? Life Experience Cum Interview.

This post is according to my knowledge and experiences if u have some points regarding i have my all ears to listen you. 

You’re not alone. In this world everyone experienced laziness and procrastination at one point of time. If someone says, he didn’t, then don’t believe. Probably he didn’t identified the symptoms of procrastination. But, it is good that you identified it and ready to do something to deal with it.
Here are some tips which can be handy in dealing with procrastination. Try on or all to experience what can be the possible answer of your laziness. In the meantime, if any tip worked or you found new ways to deal with it, then share it with someone else too.

Tip #1. Ask yourself a genuine question early in the morning- If today will be your last day, then what ONE goal you achieve?
It really works as it make you focused and targeted to achieve the specific goal by the end of the day. It allows to prioritize the goals for the day and keep the things quite simple.
To make it effective, after asking it, put the goal in writing and place it somewhere and then whenever you see it, remind your why and focus early to accomplish it.

Tip #2. Schedule the period for goal’s accomplishment and achieve it within the time frame.
Probably you have many goals to achieve. But, when you prioritized a goal for the day or an hour, schedule the deadline for it. When you’ll have a specific time frame, then you’ll be focused to accomplish it anyhow. Like, if you don’t pay the electricity bill on time, there will be power-cut. And, when you know the deadline, you ensure to do it.
So, whatever you do, allot a time limit for each activity and try to complete it within the period. For this, you can use countdown timer. It allow you to remove unnecessary things and focus on important task.

Tip #3. Do something to deal with your distractions.
There are many elements which distract you and prevent you from focusing to accomplish the goal. It not only delay the completion but also make you lazy to do anything. So, to deal with it, make conscious efforts and avoid all sort of distractions to stay focused to achieve the goal.

Tip #4. Visualize the benefits of self-discipline.
Just visualize if you become self-disciplined, how it will impact your life. Pick a large sheet of paper and write down all the benefits you can think of it in bold letters.
Then, place it in your bedroom, study room or next to the mirror and whenever you’ll look at it, you’ll recall the benefits of it and feel encouraged to develop this habit.
The more you’ll practice, the better you’ll become disciplined. To make it more effective, add an emotional connection with these benefits. And, rest will happen itself.

Tip #5. Keep the bigger picture in your mind. Have a vision.
Whatever you do NOW, will impact your TOMORROW. That’s what I learned. So, to keep the actions of today in check and on track, consider what you want in future. And, accordingly, modify, add, delete your thoughts and actions for today.
Create a vision for your life and whenever you feel you are off the track, recall your vision and take corrective action to stay on right track.

Tip #6. Everyday challenge yourself.
Guess what? Everyday you make attempts to accomplish goal, you make mistakes but to avoid the lazy attitude and stay disciplined, you need to challenge yourself. Make yourself believe that you can accomplish it regardless of all the past failures. And, everyday make an attempt, practice to achieve your goals.
To do it, always have a word with yourself. The more you speak with yourself, better you’ll become determined and committed.

Tip #7. Try these resources.
  • Mastery by Robert Greene: Many case studies about famous and successful people. Some things which they mastered in life to achieve the desired success. Read those practical suggestions and tips and master them to achieve your desired success.
  • The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris: All about personal efficiency. When you can do something in less time, then why sticking with it for long hours? In the remaining time, you can do something else which can transform your life for better.
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Toelle: Stressed on the importance of “NOW”. What are the benefits of applying “NOW” or the possible losses of “Procrastination”. Do it now because it is now or never.
Image Courtesy : Google Images

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